Are Shuttles Running In Yosemite

Yosemite is one of the most iconic and beloved natural parks of America. Each year, many people visit the remarkable valley to take in the wondrous sights. However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, many of the services in Yosemite National Park have been suspended or limited, leaving the question of “are shuttles running in Yosemite?”

In an effort to protect the health of its visitors and personnel, the National Park Service has put numerous precautionary measures in place, including suspending all shuttle services and limiting access to the park to essential purposes only. Although this is a necessary precaution, it means that if you are visiting Yosemite, you will need to find alternate transportation.

Fortunately, other options are available. Private vehicles may be used for access to Yosemite’s attractions and camping areas, though visitors will not be allowed to park overnight. Additionally, shuttle services are available from nearby towns, such as El Portal, Mariposa, Oakhurst, and Sonora, as well as Merced, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia. There are also several tour companies that offer shuttle services to Yosemite. In order to ensure you are choosing a valid and reputable tour operator, it is important to do your research.

It is important to note that Yosemite is a vast area and you should plan accordingly for your journey taking into account road conditions, weather, construction, and other factors. It is highly recommended that everyone visiting Yosemite should seek professional advice or use specialized tour services.

Experts recommend that if you plan on visiting Yosemite, even if it is just for a day, you should be prepared for the fact that you may arrive late in the day and be unable to return to the park. Taking a shuttle or tour in the morning is the best way to ensure safe and uninterrupted travel to Yosemite.

When visiting Yosemite, it is essential to follow the guidelines set by the National Park Service in order to minimize the risk of spreading of COVID-19. It is also important to remember that even though shuttles may not be running in Yosemite, it is still possible to explore the park and take in the breathtaking scenery and beautiful wildlife.

What Other Activities Can Be Seen In Yosemite?

Aside from the stunning vista of the Valley, Yosemite National Park is home to a variety of activities to indulge in. Some of the activities to venture into include a range of hiking trails in the wilderness areas of Yosemite. There are eight distinct trails, with different routes ranging from easy to difficult. They offer an excellent way to explore the park and take in some of Yosemite’s many wonders.

The John Muir Trail is perhaps the most well-known of the trails in Yosemite, as it passes through some of the most iconic scenery in the park. Additionally, there are a number of waterfalls to be enjoyed in the park, including Yosemite Falls, Bridalveil Falls, Liberty Cap, El Capitan, and Vernal Fall.

If a relaxing day in nature is more your speed, then there are a variety of glamping sites and campgrounds to choose from. Visitors can camp in the Lower Valley, Upper Valley, or Yosemite Valley. There are also a number of RV parks available in the area.

For those looking to explore beyond the Yosemite Valley, there are several nearby attractions, including Tuolumne Meadows, Glacier Point, and Mono Lake. For a bit of history, the Mariposa Grove of sequoias is a must-see.

With its breathtaking views, endless outdoor activities, and rich history, Yosemite National Park is a must-visit destination for nature and adventure lovers alike. Although shuttles may not be running in Yosemite right now, there are still a number of ways to take in the majestic beauty of the park.

Should I Hire A Private Taxi To Access The Park?

In light of the current situation, it may be tempting to hire a private taxi to access the park. However, it is important to note that private taxis are not authorized to enter the park and may not be allowed to drop off passengers at the park entrance. Private shuttles, bus companies, or tour companies will be able to take you into the park. Therefore, it is best to avoid hiring a private taxi to travel to and from Yosemite.

It is also important to note that private vehicles are only allowed to enter Yosemite if they have a valid parking pass. Without a parking pass, private vehicles are only allowed to drive through the park and must leave immediately upon reaching the end of the road. All overnight camping and day use permits must be purchased in advance.

Taking public transportation is also an option when visiting Yosemite. There are several shuttles that stop at the various entrance stations throughout the park and take visitors into the valley. They are available to all visitors, regardless of whether they have a parking pass or not.

Overall, the most important thing to remember when visiting Yosemite is that the safety of the visitors and personnel come first. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the guidelines and safety procedures set by the National Park Service. With these in mind, visitors can enjoy the beauty and wonder of Yosemite in a safe and responsible way.

What Are The Latest Guidelines When Visiting Yosemite?

The National Park Service has issued a number of guidelines regarding Covid-19 safety protocols, such as wearing a face covering, maintaining social distancing, and washing your hands often while in the park.

Additionally, all food and lodging services must be pre-booked before the visit. Visitors must not arrive at the park with existing food or water, but instead rely on limited meals and snacks to be provided at the park. Finally, the park is asking everyone to plan in advance and be prepared for any changes in the guidelines due to the changing circumstances.

The National Park Service has also stated that the number of visitors allowed in the park is limited and that all overnight stays, backpacking trips, and guided trips must be prearranged before the visit. It is important to note that weekend visits may be extremely crowded and visitors should plan ahead and consider alternative days or destinations on days to avoid potential overcrowding.

By following the guidelines set by the National Park Service and taking the necessary precautions, visitors can safely visit Yosemite and enjoy its beauty and wonder.

What Are The Local Rules When Visiting Yosemite?

In addition to the guidelines from the National Park Service, all visitors traveling to Yosemite should be aware of local regulations. It is important to note that there are a number of areas in the park that are off-limits to visitors and to respect any local wildlife or plants. If you plan on engaging in any activities such as fishing, horseback riding, or backpacking, it is important to obtain the necessary permits in advance.

It is also essential that visitors adhere to the local fire regulations. All campfires must be carefully attended and completely extinguished when not in use, and all portable stoves must be approved by the park. The park also has strict no-smoking policies in all areas including campsites and trails.

From protecting natural resources to minimizing the risk of Covid-19, these guidelines are essential to protecting the health and wellbeing of all visitors and personnel in Yosemite. By following the rules, visitors can take in the natural beauty of Yosemite in a safe and responsible way.

What Are Some Ways To Contribute To The Conservation Of Yosemite?

Yosemite National Park is an iconic and beloved destination and it is important to be mindful of the impact our visits have on the park. There are several ways to be a responsible visitor and to contribute to the conservation of the park.

It is essential that visitors leave all the vegetation, wildlife, and natural features intact. All waste must be properly disposed of in the provided garbage bins, and all trash must be taken home with you to be disposed of properly. It is also important to be mindful of the water usage and try to conserve water while visiting.

It is also crucial to be respectful of the park’s wildlife. Feeding wild animals is strictly prohibited and visitors should keep a reasonable distance from all wildlife. Additionally, pets are not allowed in the park, which is important to protect both the wildlife and park visitors.

Lastly, visitors should respect the local culture and customs of the tribes and communities that surround Yosemite National Park. By following these guidelines, we can help ensure the conservation of Yosemite National Park and its wilderness for future generations.


Though shuttles may not be running in Yosemite, there are still a number of ways to explore the park and take in its breathtaking scenery. It is essential to follow the guidelines and safety protocols set by the National Park Service, as well as local regulations, in order to minimize the spread of Covid-19 and protect the health of all visitors and personnel. Additionally

Margaret Waid

Margaret E. Waid is an award-winning writer, editor and researcher with a passion for exploring and sharing the wonders of America's national parks. She has been writing about national parks for more than two decades, and her articles have appeared in a variety of publications, including National Geographic Traveler, Sierra, Backpacker, and Park Science. Margaret is also an avid traveler and outdoorswoman, spending much of her time exploring the parks she writes about. She is committed to helping readers find their own connection to nature and history in our national park system.

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