How Much Does It Cost To Get In Yellowstone Park

Background Information

Yellowstone National Park has been around since 1872 and is the oldest and most iconic of the United States’ national parks. Visitors to the park can experience its grand scenic vistas like vast meadows, deep canyons, gushing geysers, and vast forests of conifers. Inside, visitors can witness the diverse wildlife that inhabit the area. Some of these animals include grizzly bears, elk, bison, wolves and many more. It has become a top destination for travelers, with millions of people from all around the world flocking to its unique landscapes each year.

Cost of Entry

The cost of entry for Yellowstone National Park is dependent on the type of visitors, and there are several different options for entry fees. For private, non-commercial vehicles, the cost of entry is $30 per vehicle for a seven-day pass. Individuals traveling on foot or on bicycle (including motorcycle and snowmobiles) can purchase an individual pass for $15 per person for seven days. Annual pass holders can purchase an annual park pass for $75.

Visitors can also purchase an America the Beautiful – The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass for $80. This pass covers entrance fees into any national park or other federal area recreational land for one year from the date of purchase. Additional annual pass options also exist for senior citizens and members of the military.

Additional Fees

There are some additional fees that visitors may be required to pay upon entry into the park. For instance, backcountry camping fees can range from $15 to $25 depending on the site. Fishing permits can also cost up to $20. Camping at designated campgrounds can cost up to $60 per night depending on the location.

Role of the National Park Service

The National Park Service is responsible for the protection and management of all the national parks and monuments located in the United States. Their mission is “to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”

The National Park Service works with both private and federal entities to maintain and protect Yellowstone and all other national parks. This includes collecting the fees associated with entry and use of the parks, as well as providing educational programs, maintenance of the parks, providing visitor services, and much more.

Perspectives from Experts

“The cost of visiting and enjoying a national park such as Yellowstone is incredibly low when compared to the remarkable experiences and memories it can provide,” says David Smith, a ranger at Yellowstone National Park. “From the thrilling view of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone to watching bison roam across the plains, the sights, sounds, and experiences that Yellowstone has to offer can never truly be put into words.”

Sidney Fahrney, a former park maintenance specialist at Yellowstone National Park, believes that the fees charged by the park help to continue conservation efforts for the park. “The fees collected from visitors help to ensure that the park is properly maintained and that the wildlife and landscape continue to be preserved for the future generations to enjoy,” he says.

Insights and Analysis

The cost of entry into Yellowstone National Park is not overly expensive when one considers the quality and quantity of experiences one can have during a visit. The fees collected by the park are crucial for maintaining the park and ensuring that its natural beauty is preserved. However, the fees only tell part of the story. Programs and educational experiences provided by the National Park Service, both in and outside of the park, help to ensure that visitors understand the importance of conservation and the beauty of Yellowstone for generations to come.


In addition to the stunning views, wildlife and geysers, visitors to Yellowstone also have access to numerous facilities to make their visit more enjoyable. These include campgrounds, cabins, and lodges, where visitors can stay and make the most of their experience. All of these facilities are well-maintained and provide ample opportunities to take in the best that the park has to offer. The campgrounds come in a variety of styles and can accommodate all sorts of different types of camping equipment and setups, from yurts and tipis to tent and RV camping.

The lodges located throughout the park are another great option for those looking for a more luxurious stay. These lodges provide comfortable and elegant rooms, as well as a variety of dining and shopping options. For those looking for something a bit more rustic, Yellowstone also offers cabins and cottages containing basic amenities such as beds, and fully-equipped kitchens and bathrooms.

No matter what type of accommodation visitors choose, it should be noted that all reservations, including campground fees, must be made in advance to ensure availability. Campgrounds can fill up quickly during peak seasons, so it is important to plan ahead when visiting Yellowstone.


The park also offers a variety of activities and experiences for visitors to enjoy. From guided hikes and tours of the grand meadows and canyons to camping, fishing, or hunting, there is something for everyone at Yellowstone. The park also offers ranger-led programs such as night walks, educational classes, and individual activities for visitors to participate in and learn more about the natural wonders of the park.

In addition, the park offers several unique events throughout the year, such as snowshoeing in the winter or guided horseshoeing and hunting tours in the fall. Depending on the time of year, visitors can also enjoy such activities as snowmobiling or mountain biking. No matter the time of year, visitors can experience something unique and special while visiting Yellowstone.

Rules and Regulations

As with any national park, there are a number of rules and regulations set out by the National Park Service. These regulations are in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the park and its visitors. From following park speed limits to adhering to wildlife viewing guidelines, visitors should be mindful of these regulations when visiting the park. It is also important to note that visitors are prohibited from collecting any plants, minerals, or animals, as well as any historic or archaeological artifacts while in the park.

Additionally, visitors should be aware of any potential dangers in the park, such as sudden changes in weather, dangerous wildlife, and hazardous terrain. It is also important to take the necessary precautions and be prepared before embarking on any activities, as first aid kits and proper safety equipment are essential when visiting the park.

Environmental Awareness

The park strives to provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for all visitors, while also preserving its natural beauty for future generations. The park’s staff, along with the National Park Service, are committed to providing visitors with information about conservation and the environment. The park’s website provides visitors with the tools they need to learn more about the park’s vibrant wildlife and its role in the local ecosystem.

The park also provides resources and information about how visitors can help conserve and protect the park’s resources, as well as how to minimize the environmental impact of visitors’ activities. From limiting energy and water use to limiting littering, visitors can do their part in helping to protect and preserve the park.


The cost of visiting and enjoying Yellowstone National Park is relatively low compared to the remarkable experiences visitors can have during their stay. The fees help to support and maintain the park, while the additional fees collected for various activities and services help to fund the conservation and preservation efforts of the National Park Service. Visitors can also learn more about the park’s wildlife and ecosystem and do their part by following park regulations and by taking the necessary environmental precautions. Ultimately, however, what makes a visit to Yellowstone so unforgettable is the sheer beauty and wonder of the park itself – the remarkable sights, the diverse wildlife, and the vibrant landscapes – all of which make Yellowstone a truly spectacular experience.

Raymond Hopkins

Raymond M. Hopkins is a freelance writer and nature enthusiast from the Pacific Northwest. He has dedicated his life to exploring the natural wonders of the United States, from the Grand Canyon to the Florida Everglades. Raymond has written extensively about the national parks, with his work appearing in publications like National Geographic, Outside Magazine, and the Huffington Post. He is passionate about educating people about the importance of preserving and protecting these precious public lands.

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